2008年5月2日 星期五

New stuff with Microsoft

In the Harry Shum's keynote speech at WWW 2008 and one of the industrial tracks by Tao, Microsoft feature the following two search services, one called virtual earth and the other photosynth. They look like fun. Definitely, we should try them out.

  • http://maps.live.com (does not only provide satellite image which is low resolution but also aerial views taken by airplanes flight-by)

微軟的3D地圖讓人為之驚嘆.在瀏覽過程能感受到四周建築的景象.更能增添臨場感.相較之下.google map就相形見絀了.相信微軟未來會推出中文版.使用上會更親切不過頻寬不大的人用起來就很辛苦.各取所需吧.我期待未來會有動態的地圖出現
